On 2 August 2024, National Public School, Indiranagar, achieved a remarkable milestone with Nexus 2024, a groundbreaking event that combined its two flagship fests: Scientifica (the inter-school science fest) and Innowaves (the inter-school commerce and humanities fest). This year’s fest showcased events from a diverse range of disciplines, from history of fashion to physics, and marketing to chemistry.
The event featured twelve competitive activities—six from Scientifica and six from Innowaves—bringing together students from various schools and streams who demonstrated exceptional talent, skill and dedication. The success of Nexus 2024 was made possible through the relentless efforts of the core committee and event heads, whose meticulous planning ensured a smooth and engaging experience for all participants.
The 2024-2025 batch of students received praise for their outstanding organisation of this large-scale event, which also benefitted greatly from the support of the school’s teachers. Nexus 2024 was not just a celebration of academic prowess but also a valuable learning experience, teaching students about patience, perseverance, and the importance of hard work. The fest’s theme “Ideate, Innovate, Dominate” captured its spirit and inspired all who attended. National Public School, HSR, emerged as the overall champion of the Scientifica events, while National Public School, Koramangala walked away with the overall trophy for Innowaves. Nexus 2024 is yet another feather in NPS Indiranagar’s motto to “ Reach Out, Reach High and Reach Beyond”.