Young Entrepreneurship Programme is an event for Grade 6 students to kick start the journey of entrepreneurship. Students got a chance to make, price, market and sell products that they made from scratch. Each class was divided into five groups. Each group had to come up with two products that could yield them a 100% profit. The budding entrepreneurs showcased a wide variety of unique products. There were a few challenges for the students through this journey, like coming to a common agreement, mutual cooperation and finding a free schedule for the entire group. YEP 2021-22 gave students an opportunity to make new friends and to collaborate with one another. It also taught them how to handle business and sell products.
Their efforts culminated in a grand virtual finale in the presence of their parents on 28 August 21 on MS Teams. Teachers and mentors played an equally important role in guiding the students through the path of entrepreneurship and ensuring everything went well on the day of the presentation.